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Summer is drawing to an end and I feel like my life is that scene from Dirty Dancing when they have the talent show and everyone is all sad because everything is about to be over. 

From approximately April till October, but more specifically from June to September, I live at camp. Camp is the Slipper Rock campground. It's just off the freeway on the left hand side of I79N, the exit before Grove City. If you don't blink, you can't miss it! This is a magical place where friends become family and you have adult adventures that make you feel like a kid again. 

My family always camped while I was young, my Dad would drop us off up in Pymatuning and come back after his work week. We rode bikes and played in the woods and swam in the dirty little lake. That was childhood. We had each other and all the other kids in the camp who's parents did the same thing. We couldn't have asked for more or better, well except more money for the camp store ice cream. 

There was always the natural rhythm to things and as the nights started to get cooler and we had to close up for the season, our faces would LONG and our moods would get SAD. We hated the end of summer and freedom. 

When I think about that today and how I still hate the end of summer and freedom. When I am at camp, I feel free. Free to hang out in my hammock or read a book, or go swimming in the creek or the pool. I feel free to make new friends and enjoy being outside. How can you ever beat the freedom to make a fire for breakfast hahha? 

Why is parting such sweet sorrow? I love having something to look forward to. I love thinking about what adventures are ahead. Everything begins and ends and begins and ends, the cycle keeps playing out. We get the chance to enjoy it over and over. That's how I am going to try to look at things when we close up this year. 


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