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 Cancel Culture

There's been so much buzz lately about "cancel culture" that I could not NOT write about it. Do you know what it means? Cancel Culture is a term that refers to when  someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled" 

The latest victim to lay at the the cancel culture throne? Chris Harrison of the famed Bachelor series. TO be honest, I do watch the show/s ( OHH the shame!!) .  I don't even like the shows, so I am not sure why I keep up with them. I don't like the premise of the show, I don't like how the platform deifies the bachelors and in many ways villifies the bachelorettes for doing the same thing as the main male characters. I don't like the shows so much that by the end of each pilot episode, I am yelling at the TV hahhaahah. I guess I keep watching for the same reason we can't turn away from a train wreck, knowing it's gonna happen and morbid curiosity keeps you mezmorized. 

Chris Harrison is the host of the shows, he had seemed the most benign part of the show up to now, just walking in every once in a while to explain something what has happened or to stir the pot a bit and then leave. But now the entire world is on high alert for what he did or didn't do and everyone has an opinion. 

I think that's the thing about cancel culture. Everyone has an opinion, and yes, everyone is talking, yet no one feels heard. I  am pretty sure that's what cancel culture is all about. Thrust someone out of the spotlight because they had too much power and they abused it by having an opinion that differs from the acceptable norm, the standard that society has deemed the right way to think. Ostracize them for having an unpopular opinion. 

I am not saying that some folks who have a platform don't use the platform to espouse stupidity. I am not saying some people aren't idiots...oh my, that's not what I am saying at all. I am saying  some people are complete freaking idiots and just because they HAVE a platform doesn't mean we should expect them to act like Mother Theresa. Not everyone is going to say the right thing at the right time, and people reveal themselves all the time to be racist, elitist, homophobic, trtansphobic, jerks.... (the list could go on and on). Our job as people may simply be to align to a higher truth and decide what we need to take ACTION against. We can decide to be constructive with our complaining. To use our words in a very direct, focused and intentional way. 

I am certainly open to hearing everyone's thoughts on cancel culture, but these are mine. 

Use your outrage for something productive, but for goodness sakes, notice that you are outraged, and notice that you NEED to feel heard. 


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