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 Why do the Woo Woo folks like crystals so much?

In every bad joke about hippies and fortunetellers etc, someone is holding a crystal to the forehead... LOL 

YES this may be how I choose my outfits everyday ! LMAO!  I am laughing because when I was in seminary school, I remember taking some crystal classes and laughing about the stereotype, and remarking to myself that I would NEVER get that cliche'........... well fast forward 20 some years and I am like my own crystal method dealer !! 

I think crystals are feel-good reasons to get outta bed every day ! I am fairly certain that I have never seen a stone I don't like, have you?
Crystals are like "Rock Candy" to me! 

You’ve got a problem? There’s a crystal for that. HAHAHA
From being broke to a broken heart, crystals have been said to have physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and metaphysical powers, even though there are few if any actual studies to verify that they have supernatural or healing properties. But, that may bot be enough to convince sensitives like me that they aren't effective!

Like anything considered intangible that we human-folk believe in, crystals/gems have their own kind of magic.
Like many things in life.... our time here on earth is TOO short not to play with things that we love. So get on that Amethyst biomat, use that pendulum, decorate with those gemstones, carry them in your mojo bag, throw them under the bed, drop a few in your bra HAHA! But by all means, explore why they (or why they may not be) effective! I mean, heck take a crystal class and do some healing, or get a chakra cleanse with a practitioner. 


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