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Everything has a deeper meaning

During a recent conversation with my therapist, I brought up the subject that I think everything has a deeper meaning. 

I do like to think about those deeper meanings when I have the time. There's a saying that we "make time for what's important". Which seems to be the well spring for this blog. I'm making time for deeper reflection because it is important to me.

What do you "make time" for? Creating music or art or  poetry? I used to write so much poetry that Ifeel like it fell out of me when Iwalked. Do you make time for friends, family, pets or a social club? Alicia (my wife) and I play poker in the Elite Poker league. We play for different reasons. She is super social. Have you met her? That's why we get along so well in that we are complete opposites in every way, especially in that she is super social and well, I am NOT. I like to observe people's behavior and she likes to engage. SO poker is the perfect place for us both to participate in some of our favorite things. 
Do you make time for fitness, or healthy lifestyle? In the summer, I swim every single day. Ido water aerobics in the mornings with all the old bitties at my camp, since I am a bittie too lol ! I then try to swim every day that the sun is out and believe me when Isay I pout around the whole day if the sun is not out on any of my days off. 
What do you give your energy towards? Do you have a dream you are pursuing and or working towards? Are you trying to make a baby? (practice makes perfect as Ialways say.) 
The deeeper meaning of this post is that everything we do has purpose. If one think otherwise, one is mostly just wasting time. Since time, energy and love are the most precious commodities we have, I try to waste very little of it.  


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