What is Spiritual shit?
First let me tackle "Spiritual". Spiritual In general, includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ones "self", and it typically involves a search for meaning or purpose in life. Folks may describe a spiritual experience as sacred, mystical, metaphysical, intangible, transcendent or transforming in an event or series of events that have a deep sense of interconnectedness. Some people call having Spiritual awakening "getting woke".
Having a Spiritual awakening is a first step in what may be a very long, maybe even a life long journey. The journey is where the fun explorations start... I think that many things can be a Spiritual practice. You can walk, breathe, eat dress, bathe, create music, art or poetry, have sex, study, heal, read, write, travel, or live Spiritually. I am certain of these examples, because I have done or participated in them all, with intention and Spiritual focus. I think that the condition of being aware, mindful or intentional can make any activity Spiritual.
Let's take walking for example. Let's say you go walking each day, you could try to convert this activity into a Spiritual practice. To do that you could start your walk with a simple prayer, take a deep breath and say in your mind " I am thankful for this time, help me stay present today." Then head out on your walk and start to pay attention to every step, every breath and things that are unfolding around you in a state of heightened awareness. If being Spiritual means you are or are trying to connect to something bigger than yourself, then paying attention to your surroundings is certainly Spiritual. Welcome to MY world !
There’s a stereotype of Spiritual people believing in odd stuff, like the Law of Attraction, the coming of the Age of Aquarius, the third eye, the healing power of crystals, or the malignant power of Mercury in Retrograde. All these things could actually be how those people connect to something bigger than themselves so let them have their own way of connecting. Some things work for some people and somethings don't. So try things until something makes you feel connected. If you lose track of time and feel blissed out, guess what? You succeeded in having a Spiritual practice.
My Spiritual practice is readings. Readings are how I demonstrate my faith, but I like lots of other Spiritual shit too, like crystals, yoga, meditation, making people laugh, nurturing my peeps with good food, and being an aunt and a great aunt. Anything can be Spiritual if it makes you feel connected to something bigger than you.
Does this help? What do you do that's Spiritual?
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