Luca This week, I got to spend some time with my 3 year old great-nephew Luca. We were playing outside where he has a play station that reminds me of a pirate ship, in the yard were some magnetic fishing poles...we used those poles to chase my sister's dog around. That dog is a Cane Corso, he's a 190 lb love muffin named Mac. We pretended that the dog was a huge fish, we laughed and got dirty and I got stuck trying to cram my fat ass in his pirate house and even knocked the doors off when I tried to climb out and FELL over. We laughed like 3 year olds do when they play. We eventually ended up in the front yard when Luca casually turned on the hose and well, my mom and I gave him a wet sweatshirt contest..LOL! This kid makes me laugh and remember why we do all the grown up things we do. We do them, so that we can love on our people. We do the things we do, because we have bills to pay and we have to make a living, but when it all boils down, what we really want is to laugh a...